Effective Interventions for the Alcohol and Others Drug Sector – Mobile Training | HMA

Effective Interventions for the Alcohol and Others Drug Sector – Mobile Training

In New Zealand approximately 200,000 people are arrested each year, and a significant number are under the influence of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) at the time of arrest. It is estimated that up to 80% of offenders who appear in court have an AOD problem, and that 83% of prisoners in New Zealand have had a substance misuse disorder at some time in their lives against 32% in the general population.

In May 2007 the Cabinet Social Committee approved the Effective Interventions Cabinet papers submitted by the Ministries of Health and Justice. The papers were to address the needs, particularly the mental health and addiction needs, of the offender population. This included a First Steps package of effective interventions including directing Health to accelerate the development of the AOD workforce with competencies to work with people who have been in, or are currently in, the Justice system with AOD issues.

Te Rau Matatini, working closely with Matua Raki, was been contracted by the Ministry of Health to develop an Accelerated Workforce Development Programme. This programme stems from the Effective Intervention range of interventions which aims to improve health outcomes for those who have been, or are currently, involved with the Justice system and have AOD and mental health issues. The Effective Intervention projects involve a series of accelerated workforce initiatives.

A major Effective Interventions initiative is the development and establishment of a mobile training package to support the AOD and related workforces working with those under sentence in the community, with accessible, short course training. Eight pilots have been undertaken by combining the strengths of both HMA (Hall McMasters & Associates) and Abacus Counselling Training & Supervision.

The pilot experiences were evaluated as a success and we are now delivering a national rollout of this training package available to addiction services due for completion before the end of the year.

The package is an exciting one covering a smorgasbord of practice processes and knowledge to equip the field. The core areas covered include:

  • Attitudes
  • Skills of engagement
  • Ethics and boundaries
  • Core cultural safety
  • Introduction to the criminal justice system
  • Working across systems
    The optional areas covered include:
  • Assessment and treatment planning
  • Working with groups
  • Cultural frameworks
  • Co-existing disorders
  • Working with young people
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Problem gambling
Published on Wednesday, October 28th, 2009, under Learning & development

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