Advanced notice Michael Clark visit (12th – 16th July 2010) | HMA

Advanced notice Michael Clark visit (12th – 16th July 2010)

During the week of July 12th – 16 we are pleased along with Creative Training Network to bring Michael D. Clark to New Zealand. Michael is well known as a trainer and consultant to organizations working with mandated clients and is a national faculty member (contractual) for the U.S. Departments of Justice (DOJ) and Health & Human Services (DHHS). Michael has previously held positions for 18 years as a Judicial Referee and a Senior Probation.

We will be hosting one-day workshops in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland during the week of the 12th – 16th July.

Michael Clark has previously held positions for 18 years as a Judicial Referee and a Senior Probation Officer with the 30th Judicial Circuit Court in Lansing, Michigan. He is now the director of the Center for Strength-Based Strategies that is committed to the research, development and training of strength-based strategies for work with mandated populations. Michael has published numerous articles on strength based practice and solution focused work with mandated clients and is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). He is known nationally as a strength-based consultant to Juvenile Justice, Community Corrections, Substance Abuse, Child Welfare, and Mental Health, and has presented throughout the United States, as well as Europe, Canada, the Caribbean and Micronesia. With more than 30 book chapters and articles to his credit, Michael has valuable information to share for working with challenging clients.

We are starting a list of interested people so if you want to be kept up-to-date with our planning, contact us here to let us know.

Published on Tuesday, January 26th, 2010, under Announcements

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