Coping, Resilience & Hope Building – Brisbane 9-11 July 2010 | HMA

Coping, Resilience & Hope Building – Brisbane 9-11 July 2010

Strengths based practice is an approach to people rather than a fixed model of practice. It is primarily dependent on the attitudes and beliefs of the worker and the assumptions they make about the client and their experiences. It is based on core assumptions that change the nature of the client – worker relationship, and the language and behaviour of the worker. It is about the stance the worker takes about themselves and the client and the nature of the relationship. It is therefore practice that is derived from a firm belief that the client has expertise and should be collaborated with as a respected party.

In practice this means that a strengths-based worker will take time to build a relationship of trust and respect for each other, and the position and experience of both the worker and the client. They will be open and transparent about the position they hold, the responsibilities that they have, the rights and responsibilities of the client, and the processes that are open to them both. The responsibility for caring for the relationship is taken by the worker. The responsibility for change and outcomes is not. The worker takes care of the development of conditions that support change. The client owns any change and is encouraged to recall the story of their own success – not that of the worker.

The Brisbane Institute of Strengths Based Practice In Supporting Partnership with School of Human Services and Social Work, Griffith University presents Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Brisbane 9-11 July 2010, Nathan, Griffith University.

Click on this link for the brochures:

Published on Tuesday, January 26th, 2010, under Announcements

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