From Ken’s Desk, February 2010 | HMA

From Ken’s Desk, February 2010

The year has started with a flourish of projects including development of an Enhancing Parole training, developing an online and in-room training programme for group facilitators from the Department of Corrections Services (South Australia), designing a family violence training package for Community Probation Services, progressing our new HMA learning site (Moodle based), and preparing for our NZQA Audit. We are also having our website redesigned so you will notice changes to the look and feel over the next few weeks.

In addition we have just welcomed two new staff members to our team: Julie Pullman (Hamilton based) and Matt Williams (Christchurch based). Each will bring a strong design focus and contribute to our blended learning solutions.

Julie comes to HMA from a position as Services Manager at Hamilton Abuse Intervention Project (HAIP). She has overseen all HAIP Family Violence Prevention programmes for both victims and offenders.

Julie is a highly skilled trainer who has had had many years experience both developing and facilitating programmes. Julie’s indepth understanding of the dynamics of family violence means she has been able to regularly provide training for Work and Income case managers, CYFS social workers, Midwives and Plunket nurses as well as workers in a range of non-government organisations.

Julie has worked as a Parent Educator and trained parents and child care workers in programmes designed to help parents build self esteem and discipline effectively in loving and respectful ways. She is passionate about making a difference for women and children, especially with regard to respectful relationships, and works with commitment and integrity to achieve this.

Matt comes to us from the Methodist Mission in Christchurch. Matt’s most recent role has been as a Children’s Advocate (funded under the Te Rito Strategy) which has been focused upon early identification and supporting children living with family violence. He has also been working upon a number of policies that schools can use to identify and ensure young people get the appropriate help needed.

Matt has a passion for facilitating the natural learning process of children, young people and adults by providing them with stimulating, relevant learning experiences. He has a particular interest in the area of advocacy and is a strong supporter of facilitating self guided learning. Matt is a trained teacher who will bring the right skills for our online learning projects.

Published on Tuesday, January 26th, 2010, under Announcements

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