From Ken’s Desk, April 2010 | HMA

From Ken’s Desk, April 2010

We are developing a new project capturing the narratives of programme facilitators from New Zealand and Australia who are doing interesting work in areas of working with those who offend (family violence, general offending, sex offending). These stories will be captured and put into a book that HMA Books will publish. If you know someone who has a great story to tell and is making a real difference in their work, we really want to know. In our work we constantly come across facilitators who are doing remarkable things in their own humble way – working alongside others to give them opportunities to be able to participate more fully in the world around them.

The project has two parts: firstly, to capture through interview and writing the journey and stories of those working in this field; secondly, we hope to capture video interviews (where culturally appropriate) that can be used as part of training programmes and web resources to inspire others to engage in these tough areas of practice.

If you know someone or think your own story is interesting we invite you to email and we can begin a conversation.

On other fronts a lot is happening at HMA:

• Our new look website is up and running – we will be continuing to develop our on-line resources over the next four months – go have a look We will have our HMA Facebook page up and running later in the month

• Our online HMA Learning Centre initiative is also up and running. This provides opportunities for online blended learning solutions for our training programmes. We have launched the site to augment a facilitation training project we are running for the Department of Corrections program staff in South Australia. The site allows us to front-end much of the theory so that when we are running in-room training, we can make this really hands on and practical. We are also using the site to take online enrolments for the upcoming Michael Clark workshops.

Published on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010, under Announcements

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