From Ken’s desk October 2011 | HMA

From Ken’s desk October 2011

It is amazing to see we are now well into the final quarter of 2011. Since the disruption of the February 22 earthquake in Christchurch and subsequent aftershocks (they remind us constantly that we are on shaky ground), it feels like we have been running flat out, managing without our office and training room all year. We come to the end of the year tired but in good spirits with a number of exciting projects poised for the start of 2012.
To kick the year off, HMA is hosting the Motivational Interviewing Symposium: Beyond an Effect Size: Innovations in Thinking & Practice (7-9 March 2012) in Auckland, New Zealand. We have organised pre-symposium professional development workshops (7 March 2012) around the themes of Advanced MI and Change Talk, MI Coaching and Supervision, and MI and Co-existing problems. The Symposium itself (8-9 March 2012) is based around two days of interactive presentations by colleagues from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore and the United States. We are very excited to be hosting this event. We are pleased that have keynote addresses by Theresa Moyers, PhD – University of New Mexico (USA) and Dr Allan Zuckoff, PhD – University of Pittsburg (USA) as part of the programme.
We are also starting the year with offering HMA Certificate and Applied Diploma Courses. The courses are structured to provide blended learning approaches and include:

• Online course work through HMA Learn – participants will be expected to maintain a learning log through the duration of the particular course and complete readings and assignments
• Three weekly real time video coaching
• In-room training blocks to consolidate skills
• Active workplace experience

The courses that we will be offering from the first semester in 2012 include:

• Certificate of Competency in Motivational Interviewing
• Certificate in Intervention with Perpetrators of Family Violence
• Diploma in Offender Group Work (Applied)

We have also been developing a range of online short courses that will be offered from the beginning of 2012 across a range of interest areas: family violence, youth work, motivational techniques, and family work.
We continue to hunt for a new training space for HMA. As many of you are aware we lost our 4th floor offices in the February earthquake and finding space is somewhat challenging. We are close to resettling and look forward to hosting you at our place for a range of short and longer training courses.

Published on Friday, October 14th, 2011, under Announcements, Programme design & development

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