Motivational Interviewing Symposium | HMA

Motivational Interviewing Symposium

Beyond an Effect Size: Innovations in Thinking & Practice 7-9 March 2012, Auckland, New Zealand

We are having a fantastic response to this event from both within New Zealand and internationally to the symposium. One organisation booked 18 staff within a few days of enrolments opening.
The three day programme includes pre-Symposium 1-day Professional Development Workshops (7 March 2012) on

  • Advanced MI and Change Talk (fully subscribed)
  • MI Coaching and Supervision (places available)
  • MI and Co-existing problems (places available)

The Symposium itself (8-9 March 2012), will provide two days of interactive presentations by colleagues from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and beyond featuring keynote addresses by Dr Theresa Moyers, University of New Mexico (USA) and Dr Allan Zuckoff, University of Pittsburg.

ISMI Speakers Talk Titles
Dr Allan Zuckoff, USA Motivational Interviewing to Enhance Motivation for Treatment: Aiming at the Wrong Target and Being Surprised When We Miss
Dr Terri Moyers, USA Motivational Interviewing is not like a pill: challenges in implementing an empirically-based treatment in large systems
David Manchester, Australia Introducing MI across a state wide disability service. What helps most?
Eelin Ong, Singapore Glimpses into where MI has travelled in Singapore: Do we get it? Is it something to get?
Eileen Britt, New Zealand Kaihautûtanga: Guiding the Waka
Helen Mentha and Dr Hui Yang, Australia Changing health conversations in China
Ian MacEwan, New Zealand Motivational Interviewing: Fidelity, Integrity and Clinical Practice
Dr Joel Porter, New Zealand Stories from the Road: What Teaching MI Has Taught Me About MI
Rochelle Cairns & Kylie McKenzie, Australia As Clinicians We Don’t Have to Do All the Talking
Dr Rod MacQueen, Australia A Stranger in a Strange Land: Problems in Using an MI Approach in Traditional Hierarchical and Expert Systems
Roxanne Sawatzky, Canada Get a haircut and get a job!: Motivational Interviewing and Employment Services
Dr Stan Steindl, Australia Engagement, Alliance, Commitment, Outcome: Combining Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Feedback In Therapy (FIT) to Enhance the Effectiveness of Specific Treatments.
Tipene Pickett, New Zealand The Valuer and values
David Manchester, Ken McMaster, Helen Mentha, Dr Terri Moyers & Mark Wallace-Bell – Panel Discussion Innovations in MI: Integrating MI with other treatment approaches

The venue for ISMI is the Stamford Plaza Hotel located in the heart of Auckland city. There is accommodation available at the hotel for which we have secured a special rate.
You can register for the Symposium on-line at

Published on Monday, January 23rd, 2012, under Announcements, Learning & development, Motivational Interviewing

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