Our Public Training Calendar | HMA

Our Public Training Calendar

We have been providing professional development to various organisations and individuals since 1985. Locating our work in evidenced based practice has ensured that we are current with our thinking which enables us to deliver quality learning opportunities. Our public training calendar for the year ahead is grouped into three main areas:

  • Motivational Interviewing Skills
  • Family Violence Intervention
  • Group Work skills

HMA has a rich schedule of training workshops it can run for you or your organisation. Some of these are public (see www.hma.co.nz/workshops) while others are run through organisations. HMA is known for its blended learning approach to training. When you enrol in a course with us you will be given access to our Moodle site where you will be able to undertake on-line pre-course work so that you can make the most of the time in the face-to-face learning environment working on skills development.

All those attending HMA run workshops can be assured of:

  • Cutting edge practice ideas (we develop practice ideas, we write about practice and we are engaged in practice)
  • Creative and practical hands-on strategies (we won’t talk at you for days)
  • Engaging materials (we believe that material has to work in the room)
  • Competent trainers and workshop presenters (our people are well qualified and experienced in their fields of practice)
  • A certificate of workshop completion (this is sometimes helpful for professional development records)
  • We make learning fun and creative drawing upon multiple learning styles (these are not passive days away from the office)

Find out what current professional development opportunities HMA can provide for you at www.hma.co.nz/workshops
We also provide course to groups within organisations.

Published on Monday, January 23rd, 2012, under Announcements, Programme design & development

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