Registrations now open for the 3rd International Symposium on Motivational Interviewing | HMA

Registrations now open for the 3rd International Symposium on Motivational Interviewing

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ISMI offers a rare opportunity to engage with the latest thinking, challenges and opportunities in Motivational Interviewing and the broader field of effective communication and behaviour change.

The event offers a friendly, stimulating environment to examine our practice, share ideas and sharpen skills. The driving curiosity behind ISMI is to ask “Is what we are doing working?” and “How can we do it better?”

ISMI is open to clinicians, researchers, trainers, supervisors, managers and clients – together these different perspectives create a richer understanding of how to make the most of the conversations we have in our workplaces.

The first day will comprise a workshop with either Stephen Rollnick (co-founder of motivational interviewing) who will be exploring integrating MI into busy health care settings  or with Anya Sheftel who will exploring MI on the fly, that is, taking MI outside of structured clinical settings.

The ISMI program (2nd day) features a diverse range of speakers curious about the the edges of MI. The theme of Challenges, Innovation and Future Directions steps away from the core “this is MI” training to explore the value and limitations of MI in the messiness of real clinical work. Speakers have been invited to consider the following themes:

  • Challenges: Using MI where the work is challenging or with specific client presentations
  • Innovation: MI in unexpected places or applications
  • Integration: MI combined with other approaches
  • Wondering: Reflections on what we have learned so far and where we are heading.

Keynotes for the ISMI (second day) include:

We are in the process of finalising the other speaker and program which will be notified shortly. We now have a dedicated website up for the symposium. We are managing registrations through HMA  in New Zealand.

Published on Wednesday, February 6th, 2013, under Announcements

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