Updated details on ISMI 2013 Melbourne May 2013 | HMA

Updated details on ISMI 2013 Melbourne May 2013

Melbourne pic v2

Interest is now building for the Third International Symposium on Motivational Interviewing which is being held in Melbourne in May 2013. This will provide a rare opportunity to meet and talk with Dr Stephen Rollnick, one of the founders of motivational interviewing. Dr Rollnick’s interest is in how we incorporate MI into a busy practice when there are competing demands on time. In addition Anya Sheftel will be exploring ideas around MI on the fly with particular attention to working with youth.

Besides the two one-day workshops run on Day 1 (13th May 2013) the second day (14th may) has a strong line-up of practitioners reflecting upon their use of MI across a range of settings. These include:

  • Professor Steve Rollnick – Reflections on how we learn MI
  • Helen Mentha: From Client to Practice
  • Ken McMaster: “It’s all her fault”: Using MI with men who engage in abusive behaviour
  • David Manchester: MI and cognitive impairment
  • Kylie McKenzie: The Felix the Cat approach to MI: Do clinicians in health care just pull MI out of their “bag of tricks”?
  • Joel Porter: More than a two-day workshop: What it takes to for an organisation to become proficient in MI
  • Anya Sheftel: Evidence based practice in the real world
  • Sean Manning: ‘The tyranny of goal setting – how do people really make big changes?’
  • Stan Steindl: Beyond the science: MI and compassion

Find out more


Published on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013, under Motivational Interviewing

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