MI Oceania website goes live | HMA

MI Oceania website goes live

MI Oceania

MI Oceania was formed by the local members of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). This non-profit group covers Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands.

The founding members of MI Oceania are all passionate about representing an evidence-based, up to date face of MI. We love MI but we don’t expect you to. But if you like MI, have questions, or want to connect with other people who are interested in MI, we hope MI Oceania will be a helpful resource for you.

Our vision

The hope is to create a hub for MI in the Oceania region, offering professionals interested in MI a place to connect and support each other in the practice, research and training of MI.

It was important to create a focus for MI that was separate from individual MINTies’ commercial interests – we don’t want people to feel like they have to be considering purchasing a service just to ask questions about MI.

Our region can feel remote and yet we are often grappling with the same questions as our international colleagues. We would also like to help connect local communities with like-minded professionals overseas where we can.

The future of MI Oceania

MINT is in the process of forming regional Chapters of MINT to support regions to share resources and address local challenges, such as those arising from language, culture or remoteness. Our hope is that MI Oceania will become the MINT Oceania Chapter once the application process is finalised.

As a MINT Chapter, only members of MINT will be able to be full members and have voting rights, however it is important to us to make sure everyone has ways of getting involved and having their voices heard.

We will offer alternative forms of membership and ways to join in. The closer connection with MINT also helps us to access the wealth of wisdom and experience held within the global MINT community.

Published on Thursday, November 20th, 2014, under Announcements, Motivational Interviewing

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