Online enrolments for Melbourne MI events now open | HMA

Online enrolments for Melbourne MI events now open

MI OceaniaYou are now able to enrol online with the early bird rate for the upcoming Melbourne Motivational Interviewing events here. The two events currently open are:

Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity coding workshop (MITI4) with Denise Ernst (4th – 6th September) – places are limited

4th International Symposium on Motivational Interviewing (7th September)

For those wishing to apply for the MINT TNT we can only enrol you once you have been accepted through the MINT selection process – go here

We are excited to be able to provide these world class events to our region. Please help us to get the word out to colleagues who will be interested in these events.

Published on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015, under Announcements, Motivational Interviewing

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