Time running out to get on the MINT Training for New Trainers Workshop: 4-6 August 2015 | HMA

Time running out to get on the MINT Training for New Trainers Workshop: 4-6 August 2015


Is MI a core part of your practice? Do you love MI? Share MI? Train others in MI? Want to join like-minded colleagues?

The MINT Endorsed TNT is the first of it’s kind in our region. This entry workshop opens up membership of MINT and the chance to connect with and share the rich MI resources within MINT. Aimed at those who train others and share MI within their networks, this workshop offers the chance to deepen skills in providing MI adherent training. The focus is on effective and practical strategies to convey the spirit and current understanding of MI, what it is and how to do it.

The workshop is ideal for those committed to supporting our local sector to develop and maintain high standards of Motivational Interviewing, and who have a philosophy of “give more than you get”. Applications for the workshop are assessed by and international panel of experts and includes both written and skill demonstration components.

Given the limited number of places and the time needed for the audio sample to be coded and the application reviewed, we recommend applications be submitted by 1 June. Applications will be accepted up until 30 June, although there is less guarantee the review process will be completed on time.

For more information on the application process, go here: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1697460

Published on Friday, May 22nd, 2015, under Announcements, Learning & development, Motivational Interviewing

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