Motivational Interviewing Resources – OARS Tokens and MI Rulers | HMA

Motivational Interviewing Resources – OARS Tokens and MI Rulers

Are you looking for innovative ways to up-skill yourself or your staff in Motivational Interviewing?

Perhaps your wanting help with specific clients who seem stuck.

Well, our new MI resource pack can help you with both. Read on to learn more about the resource pack, and, how you can get one for free!

OARS Tokens

Open questions, affirmations, reflective listening, and summary reflections (OARS) are the basic interaction techniques and skills that are utilised within a Motivational Interviewing approach. The HMA OARS Tokens provide a way in which MI practitioners can sharpen their skills around the use of OARS.

MI Rulers

The use of MI Rulers (scaling questions) invites clients to perceive issues on a continuum. Scaling questions typically ask clients to consider their position on a scale 1 to 10, with one being the least desirable situation and 10 being the most desirable. Scaling questions can be a helpful way to establish a baseline position, track progress toward goals and monitor incremental change.

Both the OARS Tokens and the MI Rulers can be used in a variety of different ways within various settings (including using rulers with clients) depending on the needs of practitioners and organisations as a whole.

Each set contains a set of OARS Tokens, as detailed below and 4 MI rulers (Importance, Confidence, Openness and Readiness) on 2 cards (double sided).

  • 6 x ‘R’ Tokens (Reflections)
  • 4 x ‘O’ Tokens (Open ended questions)
  • 2 x ‘A’ Tokens (Affirmations)
  • 2 x ‘S’ Tokens (Summaries)

Happy practice!

Published on Wednesday, February 1st, 2017, under Learning & development, Motivational Interviewing, Practice tips and techniques

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