Men’s Safety Project – A FREE site for men and practitioners | HMA

Men’s Safety Project – A FREE site for men and practitioners

81% of people think it is possible to change people’s behaviour around family violence*

So do we…

It’s not uncommon for men to struggle with patterns of abusive behaviour in their relationships, and for that pattern of behaviour to have a detrimental impact on everyone; partners, children and men themselves.

While changing these often ingrained behaviours is no easy task, we still believe it can be done. As a way to start helping men shift some of the attitudes and beliefs that sit behind abusive behaviour we have created a free website called ‘Men’s Safety Project’.

For men themselves, the site is an excellent resource to support goals of being safe around their partners, their children and their communities. For practitioners, it’s a valuable resource that will support the work you do with men who are struggling with family safety.


Check out the additional information below…

Men’s Safety Project is a site for men wanting to be safe within their relationship. The site can also be used by practitioners wanting to better support the men they’re working with, and by partners wanting to better understand abusive practices.


How can this site enhance the safety of men within families?

  • It will help men to become more mindful of how their actions affect others
  • Provide on-going safety tips for those men wanting to change abusive habits and behaviours
  • Invite men to take real actions and steps towards becoming safer within their relationships
  • Encourage men to take ownership and be accountable for abusive behaviours
  • Affirm men’s abilities to change by sharing the stories of others men who have made changes


What the site covers:

  • An easy to navigate home page which directs men to one of several safety orientated exercises, activities or information pieces
  • Safety tips (in written or audio format) which cover a range of topics from assessing and managing abusive practices to understanding the victims perspective
  • Various questionnaires, checklists and reflection questions that invite men to be mindful of safety within their relationships
  • A downloads section with easy to access, printable safety resources men can use to become safer within their families
  • Innovative ‘100 Days of Safety’ email follow up system designed to keep safety front of mind and in the process support men change habits around abusive practices


Written for an international audience it is packed with features

  • Caters for low literacy levels with voice over audio for all written material
  • Innovative ‘100 days of Safety’ follow up system supports on-going learning and reinforces the concept that safety is not a ‘one-time thing’
  • Wide range of fantastic downloadable, printable SAFETY resources
  • Huge range of ‘Safety tips’ which promote respect, trust and equality within relationships
  • Recurring activities, exercises and reflection questions invite men to actively think about and change the way they interact with others
  • Various quizzes, questionnaires and checklists allow men to engage in the material while assessing their own levels of safety
  • Includes hours of family violence themed media
  • Fully mobile (including tablets and other devices) responsive


More information…

We have developed two information brochures that can be downloaded and used to provide practitioners and men with additional information about the site. Download them below:

*Research from the It’s not OK Campaign (2010)

Published on Wednesday, February 15th, 2017, under Family violence, Learning & development, Offender work

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