Disrupting Family Violence Programme Launch! | HMA

Disrupting Family Violence Programme Launch!

HMAs Disrupting Family Violence Programme encourages and invites men to move closer to family wellbeing

Disrupting Family Violence & Moving Closer to Family Wellbeing

An 18+ session family violence intervention programme for men

Family violence has emerged from behind closed doors since the second wave of feminism during the 1970’s. Family violence now accounts for around of 40% of policing time, is prevalent across the population and often follows intergenerational patterns. In this programme men will work through a number of key ideas and perspectives on family violence and develop an understanding of what it is like for women and children living in situations of fear.

Download the Disrupting Family Violence – Information sheet here

What the programme covers

  1. Mission 1: Laying the foundation. Preparation for active involvement in the program and identifying programme goals
  2. Mission 2: Thinking like a family man. Understanding thinking, uncovering thinking that supports family violence and developing strategies that promote family wellbeing
  3. Mission 3: Emotions and family wellbeing. What are emotions, why do we have them, developing emotional management skills and strategies for high risk emotions
  4. Mission 4: Meaningful relationships. Exploring equality and respect in relationships, and developing a range of strategies to enhance respect and family wellbeing
  5. Mission 5: Impact on others. Understanding and exploring the impact of family violence on children, and the implications and challenges for parents
  6. Mission 6: Family wellbeing for life. Review their time in the programme, consider their challenges and prepare accordingly

During the program men will…

  • Identify and work towards goals that increase safety and promote family wellbeing
  • Explore core beliefs that drive abusive thinking/behaviour and demonstrate strategies that promote family wellbeing
  • Explore emotions and develop strategies to take them closer to family wellbeing
  • Discover how respect and equality enhance relationships, and how violence and abusive practices undermine respect
  • Learn how family violence affects children and develop strategies to positively manage children who’ve experienced family violence
  • Uncover their unique challenges and prepare for a lifetime of family wellbeing

What’s included in the programme?

  • 140 page Facilitator Guide
  • Theory Manual
  • Intake and Assessment Manual and  Client Booklet
  • Practice Manual and Programme Toolkit
  • Family Violence Shield packs including worksheets and handouts
  • Programme resources including 3hrs+ of media, poster set (x6) and multiple card sets
  • Challenge Zone/Review system that supports on-going learning transfer

Programme features

  • A wide range of visually appealing posters and card sets catering to low literacy
  • Media rich (every session includes relevant media)
  • Family Wellbeing Shield and participant resources encourage thinking outside of programme time
  • Innovative session structure includes 1) understanding, 2) application and 3) practice
  • A strong focus on learning transfer and real change occurring
  • Can be run as an open of closed programme
  • Additional sessions include 1) Exit, 2) Maintenance and 3) Family Resolution

HMA programmes are proven to be effective!

“A recent outcome study has shown significant reductions in the rate of offending recorded post-programme attendance (significance *** <.001). The two programs evaluated were HMA designed family violence programs (50 hours d=.77- moderate effect size and 75 hours d=1.53 – large effect size) working with higher risk family violence offenders.”

Ken McMaster – Director at HMA

Are you or your organisation interested in licencing and package options for this programme?

HMA offers a number of licencing and package options. Depending on the needs of an organisation, a program license can include programme facilitator training, train the trainer workshops, and ongoing mentoring, coaching and development sessions.

Download the Disrupting Family Violence – Information sheet here

Talk to us about we can support you and your staff

For further information speak with an HMA staff member today:

Published on Tuesday, June 5th, 2018, under Announcements, Family violence, Learning & development, Offender work, Programme design & development

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