Three ways our behaviour change app will enhance your program | HMA

Three ways our behaviour change app will enhance your program

Our team created Ake with the goal of addressing the common challenges faced in the field of family violence intervention. Watch the videos below to find out the reasons why Ake can improve engagement and outcomes for men participating in your behaviour change program.

1 – Early engagement is key

It goes without saying that the earliest possible engagement with men who use violence is key to further success in interventions. We often find that the wait time for program onboarding can be a make-or-break point for men, who may even interpret the delay as a message that their use of violence isn’t urgent or important.

As a library of intervention content, Ake can serve as a tool that allows men to create pathways towards safe behaviours while waiting for space on a program.

2 – Assisting with program readiness

Participants “doing time” instead of putting time in the program – an experience many facilitators may be familiar with. To tackle this issue, we looked at improving the readiness of men for group sessions and developed the following in-app tools:

Push notifications – Facilitators can send a notification through the app so men are clear on what to expect in the upcoming session.
Discussions – Facilitators can post questions and invite discussion as a group with the in-app messaging feature. Facilitators could link external material, like a video, so men are better prepared before the next session.
The emotions compass – When opening the app, Ake asks the user how they feel today. The idea is to build a habit of recognising emotions and emotional literacy skills. The app then recommends content such as videos and articles, keeping intervention and safety in their daily thinking.

3 – Assisting with risk management

As professionals with a responsibility of care, assessment and management of risk can always be a worry. Ake allows facilitators to view the in-app activity of their assigned participants, including emotional compass inputs and content consumed, giving them the insight to identify potential trends and levels of engagement.

The information provided by Ake combined with the weekly check-ins can result in a faster response to potential risk.

And there you have it! If you want to learn more about how Ake can enhance your behaviour change program, check out our landing page, or alternatively, get in touch!

Published on Thursday, June 8th, 2023, under Announcements, Family violence, Programme design & development

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