Our Alliances | HMA

Our Alliances

Group of business partners listening to colleague at meeting

Breaking Free Online

Breaking Free Group is an innovative, dynamic and fast-growing digital healthcare company based in the UK.

It was founded in 2010 by Dr Jonathan Ward, who practiced as a clinical psychologist before setting up leading psychological consultancy CPA in 2004.

The mission of Breaking Free Group is to create the widest possible access to evidence-based psychological interventions. To realise this, we have developed a powerful and adaptable digital health platform which targets the underlying psychological and lifestyle factors that drive addictive behaviours.

Based on this platform, our clinically-robust online programmes for alcohol and drug dependence overcome many of the key barriers to treatment and recovery – such as stigma, concerns about confidentiality, time constraints, and difficulties accessing substance misuse services or support groups.

Learn more about Breaking Free Online


Amovita is derived from the Latin words “Amare” and “Vita”. Amare is Latin for Love; Vita is Latin for Life

Amovita Consulting is a leading management and human resources consultancy, mediation and training business that provides a range of services and programs aimed at supporting businesses, organisations and companies to develop and maintain high performance outcomes in the workplace.

Known for our unique business approach incorporating a Blue Ocean ‘philosophy’, we provide services and products based on high performance principles.

Learn more about Amovita

Stopping Violence Services

Stopping Violence Services Christchurch (SVS) has been a “lead provider” of stopping violence programmes for men and women since 1983 and youth since 2004. SVS is renowned for its excellence in providing programmes to Adult clients that are delivered by highly-qualified, knowledgeable and professional staff. SVS is an accredited Domestic Violence Approved (DVA) provider, for the Ministry of Justice, and is absolutely committed to the objective of the 1995 DVA Act, of “Stopping or preventing domestic violence on the part of those offenders who use ‘violent and controlling behaviours’ that violate, the right of another person to safety, autonomy and wellbeing” and that, “the safety of women and children is paramount”.

Ken McMaster is one of the founding members of SVS and is the current chair of the board.

Learn more about SVS

Carbon Zero

Toitū carbonzero programmes deliver credible environmental solutions. It was established in 2001 by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited, one of New Zealand’s leading Crown Research Institutes. Toitū Envirocare, which delivers the certification programmes and services, is 100% owned by the New Zealand government. The programme and services are based on over a decade of research on climate change, greenhouse gas measurement and carbon monitoring.

Learn more about Carbon Zero