Corrections Victoria – Innovative Programme Design and Up skilling | HMA

Corrections Victoria

Innovative Programme Design and Up skilling

Ken is such a professional we should have more training provided by him. Always a pleasure.

Corrections Victoria staff member

The Background

Corrections Victoria, similar to most large criminal justice systems provide intervention programs to reduce the propensity for someone to re-offend while and after being on sentence (either in prison or on community-based orders).

The Challenge

There is a sad story behind what prompted this project. Jill Meagher was a 29-year-old Irish woman living in Australia who was raped and murdered while walking home from a pub in Brunswick, an inner suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, in the early hours of 22 September 2012.

Meagher’s case was initially that of a missing person, as she had failed to return home to her husband, Tom Meagher. But it soon became a homicide investigation. Her disappearance attracted widespread media attention and a review of closed-circuit television images from the area of her disappearance. Her body was discovered six days later near Gisborne South, about 50 kilometres (31 miles) from Brunswick.

Adrian Ernest Bayley pleaded guilty to Meagher’s rape and murder in April 2013. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with a 35-year non-parole period. His bid to appeal his minimum term, in September 2013, was unsuccessful. In May 2015, Bayley was sentenced to another 18 years and his non-parole period was extended from 35 to 43 years for three other rape convictions.

Ensuring that those in prison who are at risk of significance violence on release have access to interventions was a response to this case (and others).

The Solution

Partnering with Professor Andrew Day from Deakin University, HMA designed a suite of eight intervention programs. These different duration programs are designed to talk account of various risk levels, types of offending, and nature of the individuals attending the programs. The programs were built upon a common methodology of risk and need and responsivity, with offence mapping as a core tool to identify stable, acute and protective factors. Using a common methodology also allowed participants easy transition from one program to another, thereby allowing greater flexibility within the delivery team is.

The suite of programs comprise the following:

The Return on Expectation

Ensuring that those who pose a risk to others have access to interventions is critically important. All criminal justice jurisdictions are task to reduce risk and provide as much as they can to encourage community safety.

The programs were assessed by the Offending Program Branch Accreditation Panel which comprises internal/external stakeholders and academics well-versed in correctional research and practice.

These programs go some distance to meeting that need to minimise the risks to women like Jill Meagher.

Take a look at what else people had to say:

A well timed and presented workshop from Ken. I came away more informed and with a better idea of the program. Many thanks!


Ken was very easy to listen to, very knowledgeable and conveyed the concepts superbly.
