Behaviour Change Programmes | HMA

Behaviour Change Programmes

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The program design builds on itself well and provides a fluid model of practice that can be useful, practical, and user friendly as well as being purposeful and impacting.

– Relationships Australia Queensland Family Violence –

Having quality programme materials to work with enhances facilitator’s on the ground work in behaviour change. Our approach is grounded in evidence-based practice around three key ideas of risk, need, and responsivity. All of us know the tragic outcomes when things go wrong. Our commitment is to provide well thought out, doable and targeted programmes to reduce risk to either others or self.

Why is this important to us

Our work in this space is based upon ensuring whatever we do in the room walks out the door into behaviour change back in the workplace. Skill rehearsal and application are a core aspect of any of our workshops/e-learning course otherwise there is a risk of training scrap/waste.

HMA has had a long association with various Corrective Services, Youth Justice Services and community stopping violence service throughout New Zealand and Australia. Our experience base is built out of the development and design of stopping violence programmes, sex offender interventions and change programmes for adults and young people within justice environments. Of particular note we are particularly interested in programme design, training and implementation issues and how these contribute to learning transfer which aids desistance to further offending.

Our track record

HMA has successfully managed and/or contributed to a number of pieces of work for the organisations within New Zealand and Australia including: