Enhancing Staff Performance
I now better understand the work that others do, and will know when to consult with, or refer matters to, them. I now feel that I am better protected against being manipulated by prisoners. I also have a better understanding of the pathways that prisoners can take through the system and will be able to speak more knowledgably to them when discussing their future options.
– Queensland Corrective Services –
We know how hard it is to work on the front line. We have and continue to occupy that space. HMA emerged out of repeated requests to provide training for staff working in family violence, sexual violence and offender group work. We are passionate about having skilled people working in behaviour change, because like you and I know the costs that problem behaviour has on the person themselves and those around them is often significant.
At HMA we take learning transfer seriously. Our experience of more traditional approaches to learning and development is that significant training waste occurs, that is, what people take away is often limited. With most organisations are operating in a much leaner environment they cannot afford the costs of learning and development that goes nowhere. We continue to learn a lot about learning transfer to ensure that when workers need the skills they can retrieve these quickly depending upon the context they are working in (clinical or learning and development situations). This includes often a lot of front-end online knowledge enhancement and follow-up (reminder systems).
Our work in this space is based upon ensuring whatever we do in the room or online transfers to behaviour change back in the workplace. Skill rehearsal and application are a core aspect of any of our workshops/e-learning course otherwise there is a risk of training scrap/waste.
Why is this important to us
A significant amount of our work currently is delivered through blended solutions. We are of the view that front loading knowledge and creating motivation for learning as a first step in the process. Unless we have buy in from staff than any workshop or learning event becomes an expensive cost to an organisation.
We use a range of delivery methods including e-learning, and room, follow-up, webinars, and mentor training for workplace coaches. Link to case studies
Our track record
HMA has had a long association with various Corrective Services, Youth Justice Services and community stopping violence service throughout New Zealand and Australia. Our experience base is built out of the development and design of stopping violence programmes, sex offender interventions and also change programmes for adults and young people within justice environments. Of particular note we are particularly interested in programme design, training and implementation issues and how these contribute to learning transfer which aids desistance to further offending.
HMA has successfully managed and/or contributed to a number of pieces of work for the organisations within New Zealand and Australia including:
- Being principal trainers for New Zealand Department of Corrections (reducing offending group work programmes)
- Training of correctional staff in Canberra, ACT Corrective Services in the delivery of a violence prevention programme
- Design of induction training programme (skills focused) for new CPPS staff. HMA staff continue to provide training assistance to CPS Intervention Services on an ongoing basis
- Facilitator training for ‘Safe at Home’ project, Department of Justice, Tasmania
- Training facilitation staff for a 100 hour Maori Treatment Programme (MTP) for Public Prison Service
- Design of a 28 session family violence intervention for the Department of Corrective Services, New South Wales
- Delivery of the Probation Officer Curriculum (Working with group participants; Assessment skills; Bi-cultural practice; Sentence management, and Advanced sentence management skills).
- Training of 100 facilitator staff for Queensland Department of Corrections (36 training weeks)
- Delivery of advanced training modules in Family Work (3 days), Motivational Techniques (3 days) and Development of Motivational Interviewing two-day curriculum package for POS CPS
- Facilitation of 2 two-day awareness workshops for Ministry of Justice titled, ‘Domestic violence and restorative justice: match or mismatch’
- Design and development of the new blended learning based Probation Officer Curriculum. This is a six month curriculum for probation and parole staff utilising a blended learning solution
- Delivery of a criminogenic program for high-risk youth group participants (current) as part of the National Initiative Youth Justice initiative
- On-going training contract with Corrective Services in Western Australia for 4 weeks facilitator training each year
- Involved in training case formulation, group work facilitation, working with high-risk group participants, working with female group participants and family violence training across a range of states within Australia
- Leading the delivery team running two-day motivational interviewing skills for Department of Family and Community Service (FACS) throughout New South Wales (18 deliveries)
- Design and delivery of the suite of training workshops (parole, home detention, Intensive supervision, community work, community detention) as part of the New Zealand Corrections Change Programme
- Design and developed the following e-learning modules for Queensland Department of Corrective Services: Introduction to Queensland Corrective Services, Core Skills for Working with Prisoners (Offender Development) (a Refresher version as well), Core Skills for Working with Prisoners (Sentence Management) (a Refresher version as well), Immediate Risk Need Assessment, Ideas That Inform Correctional Practice, Mentoring Skills for Mentors, Parole Board Training Program, Sentence Administration, Sentence Management
- Delivery of Mentoring Skills for Mentors workshops
- Design of eight intervention programs for Victoria Corrections: See Change for Men Program (55 hours), See Change for Women Program (55 hours), Talking Change Program (12 hours), U-turn Program (50 hours), Inside Out program (90 hours), Making Choices for Men (100 hours), Making Choices for Women (105 hours), ChangeAbout (65 hour family violence intervention)
- Training of community providers for the new 26 session Family Violence Program for New Zealand Corrections
- Implemented family violence program into Relationships Australia Queensland (Cairns, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Springhill).
- Design of six module motivational interviewing e-learning package
- Delivery of e-learning course MI – helping prisoners change e-learning module for prison officers
- Delivery of a range e-learning family violence courses